Dear family:
It’s too late…you can’t stop me from going to Japan this spring. I’m not waiting until next year because Continental is dropping the KIX airport as a destination on May 1, and I want to gobble up as many miles as I can (and take advantage of my super sweet Silver Elite status). Even the PD travel editor says you shouldn’t let the economy derail your travel plans (love Susan Glaser)!
Plus, the annual Cherry Blossom Festival is April 10. Remember how I used to take weekend trips in college to D.C. in April just to see the trees?
I already have about two dozen travel books and language CDs from the library, so there is no turning back now. Even Phil knows this. (Side note: it is insane that the Rosetta Stone language program is $400!!)
So, here’s the plan. First, visit Kyoto, one of the most exclusive and well-known geisha districts in Japan (my favorite novel is Memoirs of a Geisha). Next, take a train to the Mt. Fugi area to visit the Itchiku Kobota Art Museum (got a taste during my trip to San Diego). And, finish off with a couple days in Tokyo since passing through without a visit to and from Bangkok was torture.
I even found a flight with a one-night stopover in Honolulu. HONOLULU!!! Now I just need the price to come down…
P.S. Thanks to the shout out from Always a Bridesmaid. Check out her blog for hilarious musings on her single-girl status.