So, part of my plan for this week was to get my workouts back on track since I've been a gluttonous sloth...not working out so well since a) I somehow unpacked my runn

ing shoes before our trip and b) I had French toast and hashbrowns for breakfast at
Maryjane's at the Hard Rock Hotel, ate taffy and chocolate for lunch and had cheese, wine, champagne, port and a
chocolate bacon bar (so good!) for dinner. Oh my.
I'm overdue for new running shoes and there's a store within walking distance that has my Asics shoe in my size, so it should all work out.
Yesterday, Phil

and I meandered around the harbor while enjoying the breezy, fresh air and watching the antics of seals, pelicans and ducks. After our yummy breakfast, we walke

d around the Gaslamp Quarter, wandered through a quick farmers' market (avocados for $1) and checked out Seaport Village, which turned out to be a bunch of touristy shops but led us to the awesome candy shop where we scored the taffy.
We had a great stroll and kept commenting on the opportunity Cleveland is missing out on by not developing our lakefront. Big bummer.

Once Phil's conference started in the late afternoon, my friend Vikki's sissy,
Mandi, picked me up and we went to
Wine Steals for its famous cheapo Sunday wine tasting.
Taste, a cheese shop next door, was having an open house, so we scored some awesome blue cheese and gruyere fondue and then planted ourselves back at the bar.

An interesting character named Bruce provided most of the night's entertainment. The short of it is that Bruce is a 50ish former theatre performer turned porn "star" turned screen play writer turned Wine Steals regular. Let's just say I got quite the education las

t night. Google flufflies and blushies fetishes and you'll get an idea. Warning: you'll never be able to look at Care Bears again.
Hysterically, the last time Mandi was at the bar with Vikki, Bruce was there, and their visit is still remembered by the bar
tenders, which is how we scored free champagne on the house. Vikki, I toasted you last night!
Thankfully, some of Mandi's pals arrived and provided a much-needed distraction. Afterward, Mandi took me on a drive-by neighborhood tour before dropping me back off at the hotel. Pretty streets and houses and lots of Christmas lights. Tomorrow is free museum day at Balboa Park, so that's where I'll be.